Welcome to Plant Magic

Hi and welcome! I’m Lauren Kretzer, a professional vegan chef, recipe developer and holistic nutritionist. Plant Magic is my weekly newsletter about plant-based cooking, wellness, and combining the two deliciously and easily.

I named this newsletter Plant Magic because plants (as in, the kind we eat and the kind you find in nature) literally have the power to transform your plate, your physical well-being, your mental health, your life. I am continuously amazed by the benefits of a plant based diet and an intentional existence rooted in the natural world.

Free subscribers can expect:

  • Cooking tips and recipes

  • Science-backed health and wellness information

  • Holistic living inspiration

  • Current favorites (books, podcasts, shows, products and more!)

For less than the cost of a soy-latte each week, you can become a paid subscriber; you’ll receive all of the above, PLUS:

  • MORE recipes!

  • Regular bonus issues

  • Full archive access, including all curated travel guides and recipes

  • The ability to comment, participate in subscriber only chats and be a part of the Plant Magic community

  • My sincere gratitude for supporting my work

It’s my belief that if we can all get a bit more connected to our food, it’ll make for more fun in the kitchen, and healthier, longer, more vibrant life. Often, cooking becomes drudgery - a means to an end. If we start to think more consciously about where our food came from, eating seasonally, and ultimately, how it makes us feel, the act of putting together a meal can be meditative and deeply fulfilling.

That’s why I’m here and what I hope you get out of Plant Magic: to feel excited about being in the kitchen again, and to feel the immense benefits of a plant based lifestyle, and to truly experience cooking and eating as the purest act of love you can give yourself and others.

Subscribe to Plant Magic

Plant Magic is a weekly newsletter containing plant based recipes, wellness and holistic living information, and ideas for living a more simple life inspired by nature and the seasons.


I'm Lauren Kretzer, a professional plant based chef, holistic nutritionist and cancer survivor. I'm of the firm belief that plants are magic - join me on this delicious, health giving adventure!